Monday, 28 December 2009
Christmas holidays.
I am back at work today and I feel like this:
I just saved myself 2000 words.
Monday, 14 December 2009
You can't Blag a Blagger.
Did she think that by refusing me water I would then decide to empty my wallet at her bar? Does getting water for someone really result in fewer overall sales? I just don’t know where to start with this sort or attitude. I got it once in Norwich as well and I think it’s only going to get worse. Playing shows isn’t a cheap hobby* and I am so grateful when we get given a few beers by the promoter, maybe some food (especially if we are touring) but at the very least, I don’t want to get shit for wanting to drink water at a show I am playing. If pubs are closing at a rate of 50 a week then attitudes like this cannot be helping and I hope the Blagrave Arms in Reading can realise that before they fall victim to the recession as well. In Europe it’s a totally different story, every band will tell you that. Getting paid, getting food and beer and a place to sleep is standard and they somehow all seem to manage to keep their venues open. Josh said we should consider charging the land-lady for getting to hear us play considering she didn’t pay to get into the pub or donate to the bands. I like that idea. We’ve got costs to cover as well, right?
*despite my long-term goals and commitments to this band, at this point in what some may call a “career” I can’t really describe our band as anything other than a time and money consuming hobby which I love. I hope one day I can call it something else, and then bitch about music being my job.
* This isn't any sort of "dig" at the promoter of the show, I know most promoters have issues with their venues and they way they are treated when putting together shows and although I only briefly spoke to Ian, he seemed like an awesome dude and the show itself was well attended and rad. Thanks Ian.
Wednesday, 9 December 2009
Purple Turtle Footy
Tuesday, 8 December 2009
The Year of The Tiger.
Anyway, with great press coverage comes great compromises. Primarily, the photo we sent them for the article got cropped and only my head-flailing hair and my telecaster headstock made it into the magazine. That.Is.Crazy. Even Joe got in it and he’s just a drummer. My ego is taking serious punishment today. Below is the photo in all its uncropped glory.
Anyway, mega-money magazine deals aside, not a lot has been going on except a lot of practicing and a lot of sitting about in traffic on our way to practice. You know that bit in the Truman show when Jim Carey is trying to get from one side of town to another and the big-wig executives want to delay him by telling all the people and cars to suddenly block his path? I think that’s happening to us every time we get in the car and it's really, really frustrating. Finally, it is time for this band to skip getting a van and go straight for a series of microlights.
Try stopping us now Boris!