
Monday, 27 September 2010

Gig review - Off With Their Heads.

So it seems that no-one ever reviews shows anymore, at least not the smaller shows that are usually really fun. Is that because there isn't much to say about a bunch of (usually) guys (unfortunately) playing in dinky venues up and down the country? Maybe it's because everyone knows at least a  few people there who know some people who know the bands or something and no one wants to get critical about this kind of thing. I don't know. I like reading reviews though, especially ones where people talk all kinds of shit on everything and everyone. Please keep it up anyone who is a furious reviewer, I love your work. Anyway, our show in Derby with Off With Their Heads got reviewed and no shit was spoken, it was just all very kind stuff. Have a read here: letsgetdangerous.wordpress.com

The gig was awesome, despite running quite late and getting home at 5am. Off With Their Heads were real good dudes and this is a photo of them from the side of the stage, where us VIPs were hanging out*.

Hunky guys.


* If you consider the VIP area to be also the area where bands stored their gear and had terrible sightlines and was at no point called the VIP area.

Thursday, 23 September 2010


We still have 2 shirts left in our "shirts that we don't have enough of to bother selling at shows" mega deal. They are both handscreened American Apparel shirts in size medium. We are selling them for £6 each and if you are interested, just e-mail us! contact@apologiesihavenone.co.uk

On a similar note, does anyone else think it's not lame at all to wear bands merch at their shows? I do it all the time. Break the rules!! Be free!!!!!!1


Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Does anyone know anyone in France?

We are having problems filling two dates in france for our October visit. At the moment our trip looks like this:

7/10/10  - La Miroiterie, Paris 
8/10/10  - Deep Inside, Dijon 
9/10/10  - TBC 
10/10/10  -TBC  
11/10/10 - l'Etincelle, Angers 
12/10/10 - La Place, Caen. w/ RVIVR

If anyone can help us with the 9th and 10th anywhere in France that would be awesome. We're on tour with Zombies are Pissed, so its two bands, one van. Bargain.



Full set from Bradfords "Set Sail Fest".

Hi. Our good friend and ex-Serf Combat dude Toby filmed our whole set in Bradford the other week.

Part one is below, you can see the rest here on his website Aloadofstuffthathappened.

Thanks Toby! Also, thanks to Dave WOLINSKI! for lending me his guitar when I busted a string. Guys awesome.

The next show is in Manchester and it feel like my second home. I cannot wait.


Tuesday, 21 September 2010

How we fixed the van.

On the way to Derby for the awesome Off With Their Heads show, we picked up Jugs and Pookie who play in Rooftops and Jugs immediately busted the window in the back of the van. I don't blame him, these things happen randomly sometimes and could have happened to any of us. They do, however, seem to happen a little more often around Jugs than anyone else I know however. Odd.

Anyway, we did what we always do, and covered the entire door in tape and shit. It held just fine for the rest of the day and no-one saw the weak spot in the van and decided to break in and take our stuff. Win.

So a few days later, after we have moved the entire drumset, amps, merch and everything else we take to every show into our front room, we get the metal parts to fix the van and bust out the hand tools and get to work like REAL MEN.

Once we had carefully drilled holes, jig-sawed wood and taped everything else up, the job was done and we put the fucking kettle on.

At no point did we wish our Dads were helping us (!)

Our next show doesn't seem to be for ages. I'll remind you closer to the time.


Friday, 17 September 2010

Tonights show in London is Cancelled.

Hi. Please remember that tonights show at "Everything Sucks" is cancelled.

If you want to see some cool bands anyway, go to Dorking! They are putting a sweet show on there with Brothers, The 255s and Porches at 8pm. It's only 30 mins from central London.



Wednesday, 15 September 2010

This is today!

  • Off With Their Heads
  • Apologies, i have none
  • Leagues Apart
  • Pacer
  • Rooftops

Come on down! This is Rooftops last show for a while, PJ explains why here.

Gonna be well banging.


Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Some random shirts leftover.

When me and Ema were screening shirts we did some designs more than others and we now have a few leftover that we can never be bothered to set up and sell at shows.  So, we're selling them here and these are the last ones we have.

If you want any of them, please e-mail us at contact@apologiesihavenone.co.uk with your address and which shirt you want and if we still have it, we'll give you the paypal details.

The top shirt is a Medium American Apparel shirt in white with a hand-screened blue Mouse print.

The second is the Owl design, on American Apparel, Handscreened in white ink on black shirt. It's a Medium too.

The last one is a version of the very first shirt we did, with a larger print. Its hand-screened on American apparel in white ink on black shirt. It's also a medium.

We just put some large shirts on the shop as well, they are the Mouse design and we didn't do many of them.  I'd call them rare, but we have only ever printed like 400 shirts so far and so any of our shit can be considered rare.

See you all in Derby with OFF WITH THEIR HEADS?!!


Monday, 13 September 2010

You'll find me in the club.

The club looked like a living room and despite it being 4am, the guy on the door wouldn’t reduce the door price for us. I wish that at that time, we just called it a night and went to sleep. After bumbling around listening to R+B for a while we left to go to back to the venue we played over 12 hours earlier and slept on the stage. My stomach was turning and I knew Sunday was going to be horrible and I wish at some point I would have realised that before it was too late. The other bands loaded out of the venue at 10am, about 6 hours earlier than I would have liked really. The entire show at Bradford was awesome, thank you Sean for putting it all together. I am sorry to everyone that I repeatedly crowd surfed on during Calvinballs set, I got a bit carried away.

The drive to Norwich seemed shorter than it was. I drifted between sleep and listening to rap. I had a cold sweat right as we started our set in Norwich and my head and hands didn’t seem to be connected at all, but the show was really good fun. It would have been the perfect hangover cure if it didn’t make my head feel even worse after the show. Thank you Jonesy and everyone who came, you guys are super fun.

Mega Games were rad this weekend.


That sucks.

Hi. Our show in London this Friday has had to be cancelled as the venue has not finished their refurbishments yet. Sorry about that, hopefully we'll sort another London show pretty soon! Our next show is this Wednesday with OFF WITH THEIR HEADS in Derby.

Tickets and info are here: derbydiy.org



Friday, 10 September 2010

Bradford tomorrow, 4pm!

Yo. We play tomorrow at 4pm now, long story.

Get down early you land lubbars!


Thursday, 9 September 2010

Mega weekender is almost upon us.

Blammo! This Saturday we hit Bradford for an all dayer with like a million bands. I am pretty excited to see Calvinball and Onsind again as it's been a while since we hung out and first show we have all played since we toured sometime last year. Mega Games are playing and I love them guys. I'm probably gonna get drunk before we play. I mean, I don't mean to, but I'm going to get all excited and struggle to keep track of myself. Theres a bunch of people playing we haven't seen in ages or never seen before so I am probably going to be seriously banded out by Sunday.

Sunday we play Norwich though! Norwich is home to Jugs, the only person I know to try to chat up a female bouncer while being kicked out of a club. Mega Games are playing this one too and they are fully awesome as a 4 piece. Hopefully by then I'll have convinced Murf, the guitarist to go electric for their set. I like the Marquee venue, it's pretty cold at night though, bring a coat.

There is some serious inconsistency in the capitalisation of our band name on these flyers. Mysterious.

This seems like as good a time as any to remind you that pretty much all these bands, including us, are giving away music here: Killyourown.bandcamp.com/


Wednesday, 8 September 2010

WTFest photos

I was bright red. 

Thanks to everyone that came and sweated with us and sang along, I had a great time. Photo by Craig Charley.

More photos when I manage to upload them!


Tuesday, 7 September 2010

How not to waste your money.

I’ve been meaning to write about this for a while and just hadn’t got round to it, so here is my attempt to pass on as much information as I can anyone who is currently looking to buy any music gear (so thats probably just about everyone in a band). This is all stuff I have learned over the last 5 years or so, since I started geeking out a little on gear. Please feel free to correct me/add anything if you think it's inaccurate.

For anyone wanting to buy new music gear, the choices and prices can be overwhelming and there is a lot of substandard gear that you can waste money on, or features you will never use that bump up your costs. Before buying anything, I definitely recommend not only testing it yourself but reading up on the product on Google. User-submitted reviews on sites like Harmony Central can get quite skewed by a couple of poor reviews so try to read trusted music publications and read up on gear that your favourite artists use as well – I figure if you like someones sound then finding out what gear they use is a good start to understanding the tonality of certain products as well as knowing what gear will stand up to touring. No-one in a band tours with gear that is ropey, except, seemingly about half the bands we play shows with.

I tend to look at Music Radar and the manufacturers forums as a good place to start reading genuine reviews. Guitar Buyer and Sound On Sound are great magazines to read and they have a lot of information on their websites too. Gearslutz is a great resourse and despite its seemingly NSFW name, is entirely composed of fully clothed dudes talking about equipment, sadly.

Anyway, here is my guide to buying expensive music gear as cheaply as possible, provided you already know what you want, have read up on it, and (hopefully) tested it. I always recommend buying guitars in person, they can vary tons between the exact same models.
  • If you are gigging your gear, then buying used is obviously a good way to save money. Cosmetically, the gear may look a little worn, but if you are touring then your gear will get at least a little damage fairly quickly. Guitars are definitely a good purchase used – you won’t need to worry about it breaking or anything as there is very little to break on a guitar that isn’t cheaply fixed. Guitar amps are a little trickier and older amps will need a basic service from a tech and possibly some components changed if the amp is a few decades old. Pedals are a safe buy as lots of people sell them after barely using them. Avoid Ebay! The fees are mental and posting used gear is dodgy. Keep an eye on your local Gumtree, music shop and websites like Punktastic. I don't know much about buying drums used, sorry. I'll ask Joe to post here about drum stuff.
  • Better than buying used is buying B-stock. This is stuff that shops get returned, or shop floor units that have been played a little. They check it all over, replace things like tubes and fuses and sell them at less than retail price. Our band is using a heap of B-stock gear and it all arrives looking pretty much brand new. Between me and Josh we saved over £800 on our amps and Joe picked up a rack-tom drum for £50 that was originally something like £300. I have just given away my number one secret to cheap gear.
  • Knowing what you actually want will save you money. How loud does your amp need to be? What features does it need? Is it reliable? If it’s cheap you can assume there is a reason for it. Cheaply made music gear does not last and you will eventually hear the sound quality difference in higher quality gear. Be prepared to wait for used/b-stock items to come up on used gear websites – the wait will pay-off in the end.
  • Look after your gear. Padded cases for amps/heads (minimum), hard cases for guitars. Keep your leads and pedals in a tool-box or some other container that will stop them getting bashed and broken. Replacing stuff is wasted money if it never needed to break in the first place. Pack the van/car well – use bungee cords to secure gear because the worst thing to do is arrive at a show with busted gear and have to borrow it – even worse if you are on tour and in a foreign country, 100 miles from a music shop, on a Sunday.
  • Buy leads with a life-time warranty. This is essential; because all leads break eventually and they aren’t cheap. Keep the packaging somewhere and send the leads back when they break. I have done this twice already and therefore saved about £30. How-zat!
  • Understand how your gear works, if even a little. Your gear will break eventually. Basic stuff like changing tubes in your amp will save you a ton of money, most issues with tube amps are literally a blown tube and fuse. That’s a 10 minute fix that you can do with absolutely no tools most of the time and everyone around you will be super impressed that you know your shit. Google is your friend here, there are guides to basic fixes for every amp on the infonet.

There are some things you can’t really do on the cheap – good quality, new gear is pricey but totally worth it if it’s the right thing for you. “Take it away” allows you to buy equipment across 10 months, interest free and most places will allow you to trade-in old gear for a discount on new gear (although you’ll get a shitty price for what it’s worth). Buy strings in bulk, buy picks in bulk. Consider gear that will hold its resale value well if possible. Fender, Gibson, Marshall and Vox are all brands that you could buy for used gear and sell it a year later for the same money you bought it for. Some smaller companies offer great stuff at lower prices and its up to you to decide if the resale value is important to you: G+L guitars are easily equal quality to Fender guitars and were also designed by Leo Fender,  but don't re-sell as highly for example

I think that’s enough for now. If you are still concerned about what to buy, feel free to e-mail me and ask anything, I spend far too long reading about this shit and I’ll be happy to help. I’ll probably advise getting a Telecaster and a Tiny Terror though.


Friday, 3 September 2010

We're going to France!

Bonjour! Because PJ is originally from Switzerland and can speak French, we figured we'd go back to France and do a week of shows there. Linguistically, it just makes sense to go there, rather than, say, Iceland, where we would struggle to communicate in anything beyond the usual arm-waving and pointing that I am used to.

That said, I would love to go to Iceland, but we can't take the van and I don't think they do ferries to Iceland, at least not for any reasonable kind of money. Anyway, we're not going to Iceland (yet) we're going to France because we can take the van there and PJ can speak French and I love cheese.

That said, I don't really like anything except your classic yellow cheeses like Cheddar, a bit of Gouda, Mozzerella, you know, the normal ones. So we're not going to France for cheese, but because we can take the van there, PJ can speak French and because Dan likes some cheeses.

I'll tell you why we're not going to France though - toll roads! Too many expensive roads just to get from one city to the next. French drivers must be so pissed they have to waste all their money driving around only to find themselves in central Paris and a complete lack of road markings and signs.

Anyway, toll roads aside, we are going to France because we can take the van, PJ can speak French, Bondy likes some cheeses and we can tolerate the toll roads because it's beautiful there and playing shows in France has always been AWESOME FUN for us.

We're going with French band "Zombies Are Pissed" (about the toll roads no doubt) and we'll be there from the 7th to the 12th October and it's looking like this at the moment:

7th October - Paris (venue TBC)
8th October -  Dijon@Deep Inside
9th October - Lyon (Venue TBC)
10th October - Still TBC
11th October - Still TBC
12th October - Caen@Bar Laplace With RVIVR.

If anyone wants to put us on in October on the 10th and 11th that would be awesome, just get in touch.

Until then, check out Joe the last time we were in France. Phwoooar.


WTFest - This weekend.

This weekend in Southampton is WTFest and theres so many good bands playing that I'm stoked we're a part of it.

We're playing the Sunday at UNIT, a nightclub venue where we played a few months back on tour with Rooftops. The venue is pretty awesome, its got that super-seedy all black paint in it and it sort of smells like drunk peoples sweat and you can kind of hear the remnants of the constant bass and shit ingrained into the walls even when the music is turned off - a good sign, right? It's dark, and loud and basically everything thats awesome about playing these sized venues. I cannot wait. Bring ear plugs though.

Tickets are available in advance from here or you can buy a ticket on the door if theres some left which I have no idea if there will be or not. The Skints are headlining and they just played Reading festival, so, you know, could be a popular one.

In other news, I found out that Red Stripe isn't vegan (not that I am vegan, but I found it a surprise none the less) and that 75% of people will put a tea cosy on their head if left to their own devices. Odd day.


Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Still alive.

It's been quiet. We play our first gig since Punk and Bowl on 5th September (Sunday) and I am excited, it's in Southampton at WTFest with some awesome bands, like Crazy Arm and the Skints - bands we have crossed paths with a few times but never get tired of watching.  The WTFest people are tweeting like crazy to spread the word of the weekends shenanigans, if you like getting your information in 140 characters or less, then check it out! twitter.com/wtfesst

If you like all your information in one place, on one screen, in as many characters as it takes, have a read here: FACEBOOK!

The Mega Games weekender is looking a little like a 2-day job now because the Brighton venue fluffed it and double booked us. If anyone wants to put on two bands who have all their own gear minus a PA on the 10th September get in touch, we're not doing anything else at the moment! Sorry to anyone in Brighton who wanted to see us, but lets face it, we'll probably play there again a few more times before the year is out anyway.

Just to wrap this fairly uninteresting post up, here is a haiku about Wednesday, AKA, hump-day. *Ahem*

Hump-day is not great,
It is a misleading name.
Unless you get some.

Dan Bond
Greenwich, 2010

Not up to my usual stellar standards, to be honest.

