
Friday, 25 September 2009


Everyone seems to be moving to London. I don't know what's going on - the recession seems to be driving people into the city, where jobs seem few and rent seems high and I know this seems crazy but it's happening. I've struggled with London for the last few years, I don't feel at home here at all and yet I know I can't move back to Oxfordshire where I came from. No where else in the country has people that I even vaguely know to say anything other than "Hi, hows things?" to and so I will stay here, until my friends move away or I can afford that over-the-top mansion in the Lake District with the petting zoo and multiple water slides or something else that gives away my inability to grow-up. With more people I know living here the more I feel less stranded but it doesn't actually help anything at all - if you live 5 miles away from each other here you might as well live 50. London is too big - for everyone I know considering moving here think "Hackney" please.

We're still homeless and if it wasn't for Ema and her awesome housemates I'd probably have slept at work by now on a pile of lost property jumpers and scarfs that smell like beer and floor and bring me out in a rash on my face. I can't wait to find somewhere to move into and alienate our neighbours immediately. I've been toying with the idea of getting a new amp recently and my GAS is at an all time high. Despite being broke and being about to get broker (is that a word?!) after buying my America flight, I have been watching ebay hard looking for a good deal on an amp that is far too loud for me and will be a ball-ache to carry upstairs. Our new neighbours will love it, whoever they might be. We looked at a place last night with the agent who owned it and the girl that lived there was trying to give us pretty subtle but clear hints that the place was shitty and over priced. Thanks for that, whoever you were. We won't me moving into your house. The internet can't seem to help us now. I'm rambling really. I just needed to write something that wasn't a response to an e-mail complaining about Andrea Bocellis concert last night. (Customer Services department, large arena) Back to all my favourite websites to kill some time.

Insert random photo:

Cheers, Dan

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