
Tuesday, 4 May 2010

"Stubbs-Gate" and streaming.

I think Punknews is streaming the 7inch starting from tommorrow. This is perfect, I guess, for people who think our band kind of sucks but are interested to hear how bad the new stuff might be (I do this sometimes) or people who think our band is OK but aren't sure if we're worth £4. I suppose some people might be planning on picking up a record and hearing it streamed might swing it either way (and possibly kill the excitement to hear it I suppose). Either way, you won't need to pay us to form an opinion on our newest songs from tomorrow. Thats good for democracy, and this band is nothing without democracy (despite it being run much like a dictatorship...fuck it, like a dictatorship). I hope people like it. I genuinely think it's the best thing we have done. Even my Mum thought it was ok (except the swearing in Vicky Park) and I'm pretty sure she didn't like our previous record at all.

Sooo yeah, check Punknews tommorrow and it should all be running. If it's not up tomorrow then I'll send have to send the good people at PN a friendly e-mail that says something along the lines of "Yo, Punknews, theres like 8 people reading my blog, expecting to hear some shit via the infoweb and it ain't happening! Sort it out!" and they'll say something polite like "Yeah sorry Dan, we have real bands that we're covering and we forgot about you guys, I'll sort it out, Sorry". I'll feel like an asshole then and reply "Hey, sorry Punknews, you guys do a great job and I hate to bother you. Any time you get it working is good with us" and they won't reply because, like they explained, they are busy covering real bands and stuff and I'll feel awkward about e-mailing them again in case they missed it, but be worrying about appearing to hassle them.

I'm rambling today. Maybe yesterdays info-blog about hearing protection used up my self-control and bullshit filter for the week. I should ask Josh and Joe to write on here, they are pretty stand-up guys who could probably write witty and clever things that I just won't understand and find myself quietly nodding along with in the hope no-one ever finds out. Pj writes his own blog, he's way too cool for this.

Moving on, I just thought I should mention "Stubbs-Gate" and my personal opinion on it. Well, I got kind of bored of Leatherface about 10 minutes into their set and left to talk shit with Get-A-Grip Kay and Mega Games 2. I missed the whole thing. I guess I was gigged out by that point of the evening. I have been at a lot of gigs recently, it's giving me a headache.

That is all.


ps: Dorking, Saturday. We play EARLY if you like that kind of thing (I am talking about our band). Ema did the flyer and it's ace. Cue the insect puns! It's a spiracle this poster even got finished with how busy Ema has been recently!

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