
Thursday, 22 July 2010

Drunk Girls Love Me!

So I get the e-mail - we're doing kareoke and I have to be in soho straight from work to get drunk and celebrate a birthday. I totally forgot about this. I'm sitting at work in the clothes I wore yesterday to the gig at the Old Blue Last which unknown to me, have picked up some black marks all over chest area of my t shirt. I don't have a sweater with me and so I figure I'll just buy a plain shirt on the way to kareoke, it's apparently a nice place so I want to look, at the very least, a little bit clean. I take the tube to Oxford Street and it's fucking rammed the second I get off the tube and I can't help but wonder why everyone in the world knows about Oxford street but forgets that it is like the human equivalent of an ants nest. I roll into Top Man and go looking for something suitably plain and cheap to buy. It takes ages to find a plain t shirt and I realise that they have cut the neck holes about a foot wide on all their shirts. I don't understand at all. The only shirts with a normal neck hole seem to have semi-sexist images or alcohol based humour on them.  

If lost return to the bar!

I bail and head to H+M. It's closed. Fire alarm. I stroll down to Uni Qlo and its the same as Top Man, all massive neckholes and dumb shit on the front of the shirts that I wouldn't wear even if someone had scrawled a giant dick on my chest that needed covering. I'm running out of options here and so as a last resort I go into M+S and find a plain grey t-shirt and pay the disinterested guy five pounds and head to the Kareoke bar. I take the shirt out to check the shape on the way and realise that the shirt is basically a square - it's equally as wide as it is long and looks completely stupid. I decide to wear my T shirt as it is - looking grubby is the better option here.

I am bewildered with fashion at the moment.

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