
Thursday, 16 July 2009

Calvinball + Onsind + A,IHN tour.

It's been ages since I tried to book a tour. I just don't know some bands in the US manage to book months long tours across dozens of states when they have just 1 EP out or a split record, but it seems to happen all the time. Maybe there's just a ton of venues and hundreds of isolated scenes that put on shows that makes it seem easier or maybe its not easy at all and all the American bands spend months pulling their hair out trying to make the 400 mile trip to the next venue worthwhile. Booking tours in this country is just not easy and relies on luck, patience and well, a lot of luck unless you are a big enough band that people will bend over backwards to book you. We managed to book up a few dates with our good friends Calvinball and Onsind that will take us to some places we have played before and some new places across the country (and Scotland) and the process only took us a few months. To be honest, we were massively unsuccessful in booking up dates so most of the work was done by the other bands - thanks guys. I'm stoked on this tour - we're hiring a van between all of us and "doing it properly" which I am hoping will mean eating, sleeping and partying well.
This country is starting to feel small now. We've driven to so many major cities, quiet villages and houses that every time we pull-in to get petrol I feel like I recognise the lino and coffee smell and urinal. Like at every service station we have a preferred parking spot and my wallet winces at the memory of the overpriced, over sugared shit that I bought here last time. I can measure the distances between cities in terms of hours, petrol money and meals now. I don't want to get stuck in any sort of routine and touring with friends whom we have still yet to get to know as well as we'd like seems like a great way to break things up a bit but its also reassuring to know that regardless of how well organised the show is, whatever the turnout, at the very least I get to listen to bands that I already know that I can sing along with. I am sure that the 9 days are going to fly by far too quickly and leave my on my ass wondering where the next time we get to do it again will be so I'm already thinking beyond August, about where we can go next.

Here's our August tour dates:

August 9th TBC
August 10th London (at the Brixton Windmill)
August 11th Leamington (at Robin's Well)
August 12th Birmingham (at Scruffy Murphys)
August 13th Leeds (Royal Park Cellars)
August 14th TBC
August 15th Perth (Mucky Mulligans)
August 16th Newcastle (at King's Manor)
August 17th TBC

Calvinball - www.myspace.com/thisiscalvinball
Onsind - http://www.myspace.com/onenightstandinnorthdakota

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